社区侨领马森柱则表示,手机塔对人体健康的危害是没有定论的,即便现在没有问题,不等于将来没有问题。马森柱特别指出,华博会会长郑金光有关“安装天线无须举行听证会,一封通知即可”的说法,是对整个唐人街社区的不尊重,他呼吁大家给苏礼仕区长打电话,联合抵制。 ( 图文:芝加哥侨学网 )
Dear Alderman Solis:
Please note that my family along with the majority of my neighbors are opposed to the proposed installation of cell phone towers on the roof of the the Chinatown Museum.
We live directly across the street and have for over 50 years and do not want the towers as they present potentially serious health risks as well as decreased property values.
The residents of Chinatown are often ignored as the community faces language barriers and lacks an organized political organization that works on behalf of its residents - not a few well-connected individuals or commerical interests. There will be no benefit to the tax-paying residents while a few who do not live here will profit.
These towers are within a two-block area of three elementary schools; I cannot think of any other community who would tolerate this. It will also deface an historic building and ruin the architectural flavor of the community. There are many other sites in the area where these towers can be erected instead of this densely populated area.
I respectfully ask that you convey the neighborhood's firm disapproval of this project and work to find a more suitable location.
Kari Ann and Wayland Choy