
文章来源:科工专   时间:2011年05月25日 点击:4405 次 评论: 125



具体地点:Rasmussen Room, Schaumburg Library,

                   130 South Roselle Road, Schaumburg, IL

讲座结束后,主办方还将在附近的中国餐馆(Super China Buffet,331 West Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL)举办午餐交流活动。


1.Sherry Shi, 拥有全美注册会计师(CPA)资格证书的资深会计师, 曾任职于普华永道会计师事务所芝加哥总部, Currently 芝加哥华美联丰会计师事务所的创建者和首席合伙人.

Topic: How to Choose Your Business Format for the Maximum Tax Benefits. 个人小商业的税务好处, 个人小商业是否应该注册公司, 什么公司形式适合我, 规避税务局审计风险, 如何处理税务局信函及解决方案

2. Ann Trandai, has received the highest prestige designation of the top 10 % of Commercial Real Estate Professionals.  She brings a wealth of experience and expertise in working with immigrants and international investors from Asia Pacific region.

Topic: What To Expect When You Want to: Open a Business/Office, Lease a Warehouse, or Invest in Commercial Real Estate in USA. Learn Useful Techniques, Cash Flow, Pitfalls & Negotiation Skills in Commercial Real Estate Transactions

3. Jack Zhang, the Speaker will share his research on how to help Chinese consumer electronics products to establish brand in USA. 以改革开放以来曾经留学美国的华人的视角总结了自身的优势和弱点,尝试海外高端人才直接进入低端大宗成熟竞争激烈,但收入稳定的家电市场,进行OEM生产,将国内培养出无数百万富豪的小家电制造优势转化成品牌优势,在美国创立品牌企业。



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